Category: Advice

4 Things You Need to Know About Networking

A lot of freelancers I’ve met are terrified of networking. Probably because they’re introverts and the idea of 1) attending an event filled with strangers, and 2) being expected to talk to these people and sell themselves is completely beyond their comfort zone.

Before you freak out any further, keep these four things in mind about networking:

1) Attend as many events as are relevant to you

The more you put yourself out there, the more you get back in return. No one can hire you if they don’t know you exist. Below is a list of organizations and groups that put on events, offer excellent member resources and provide regular networking opportunities. Some of these organizations are (inter)national, but most of those listed are located in the Portland-Metro area. More than likely you’ll find similar organizations all over the place once you start looking for them:

2) Your friends are your friends

In order to find the highest quality events in your area, I would recommend asking everyone in your local network for networking event recommendations. Where do they go? What events and strategies have they found to be useful? Explore everything and see what works for you.

3) Networking isn’t limited to networking events

Networking opportunities don’t have to be called “networking events” in order for you to network. Going to a wedding is an opportunity to meet new people and share what it is you do with others. So is talking to the person in front of you in the checkout line, or striking up a conversation with the person sitting next to you on the plane. Every time you’re around people is a potential networking opportunity. You don’t have to network at every opportunity…but you could!

4) Stay in touch with your new connections

Similar to the prospective clients you’ve cold-called, stay in contact with relevant contacts you meet at these events. Always get a card from them and follow-up with a LinkedIn invitation the day after the event, or a “It was nice meeting you” email.

For those contacts that I want to work with, in this email I’ll also ask them if they’d like to get together for coffee in the next week or two. That way I get to know them, they get to know me, and the next time they need a copywriter, I’ll be top-of-mind. And vice versa when I meet someone who needs what that new connection does.

I understand that getting out there can be hard, but your business depends on you doing it. And you don’t have to do it alone! Ask a friend or colleague to go to an event with you so you have at least that person to stick close to.

What networking events do you go to in Portland? How have you overcome your discomfort with networking?

4 Reasons Why You Deserve a Raise

The rates of freelancers can vary from state to state, project to project, and year to year. One thing that shouldn’t change, however, is the high esteem in which you hold yourself. The value you bring as a freelancer is underscored by the rates you ask for.

Lower rate? You might get more clients, but is it worth your time and skill? And are those the kinds of clients you want to work with anyway? Higher rate? You’ll probably get fewer of the low-ball clients, and more of those that understand and respect your value.

Not convinced? Okay, then here’s four things you should keep in mind when you’re pricing your projects. They should give you the confidence to raise your rates, and not worry about all the low-hanging fruit you’ll be missing.

1) Higher Education Degrees

How many do you have? I have two: a BA in English and an MA in Folklore. In addition to the work experience you bring to your clients and their projects, you’re also bringing your collegiate education to the table. Since you paid for it (or at least someone did), you know for a fact that it’s worth something. Why do you think attorneys have such high hourly rates? Sure, because they have mountains of student debt, but more than that, they have a very specific, high-stakes skill-set that is worth paying for.

Your Humanities degree(s) probably didn’t cost as much as their Law degree, but it gave you a certain set of very specific, very valuable skills and training that are worth clients paying you to use them. You deserve a raise.

2) Years of Experience

I’ve been told by multiple people that you can officially call yourself a “senior” at something if you’ve been doing it for at least five years. I’ve been a copywriter for going on six years now. By that definition then, I can own the title, Senior Copywriter.

How about you? How long have you been doing what you’re doing? Long enough to know all the right questions to ask of your client? Long enough to have a sizable percentage of your work come from referrals (i.e. you’re well-known/awesome)? Long enough to deliver a project that wows every time? Then you might be a “senior” at that something. You deserve a raise.

3) Client List

It’s not who you are, it’s who you’ve worked with. An impressive client list is worth its weight in gold. For example, “I got your name from So-and-so at Nike and I’d like to hire you to do this project for me. What’d thar? Oh, no, I don’t need to see your portfolio. So-and-so from Nike recommended you.”

True story. Well, true stories, really. That exact thing has happened to me multiple times.

If you’ve worked with impressive brands that have serious name recognition, regardless of the industry, your client list will open doors for you. Put it on your website, show those pieces in your portfolio, make your association clear. You’ve worked with heavyweights. You deserve a raise.

4) Because You Want It

Never underestimate the importance of desire. If you want something, go get it. (I mean, as long as it’s legal, of course.) One of our Conclavists was very interested in taking her business to the next level, but she was having trouble getting there with her existing clients. The rates they were paying her were low, ya see, and the goals she’d set for herself had her flying quite a bit higher. She decided to invite those clients to pay her more, and if they refused, she politely cut them loose with a sweet referral to a colleague or two. I believe her hourly rate is over $100/hour now, and she’s booked through to August.

She wanted a raise. She gave herself a raise. She is building the freelance business she wants, not the one “the market will bear.”

Also, the Freelancers Union recently published a blog post entitled, “How to raise your freelance rates” that you might also find helpful.

So, do you want a raise? If you think you deserve it, go get it.

3 Tips For Creating a Stronger Elevator Pitch

Imagine you’re in an elevator and the person next to you turns to you and asks: “So, what do you do?” You could recite the paragraph-long unique value proposition you have on your website. Some people do that and find it to be successful. Others wing it with no script at all. But for those of you who want some structure around your elevator pitch, here are three pointers.

1) Be Brief, Yet Powerful

For starters, don’t think of it as a speech, but more of a verbal one-two punch, or tagline. Since you’re in an elevator (or passing on the sidewalk, or adding a description to your Twitter page), what you say has to be brief, yet powerful. Imagine you have about five seconds, or better yet, a brief sentence, to answer their question, impress them, and make them want to know more about you.

2) Focus on the Benefits You Bring

When creating your pitch, focus on the benefits you bring to your clients instead of the features. Here are a few examples:

  • Financial Advisor: “I protect my clients from being sued by their employees—which is happening more and more these days.”
  • Certified Public Accountant: “I prevent my clients from being audited by the IRS.”
  • Search Engine Optimization Specialist: “I help businesses get found on Google.”
  • Freelance Copywriter: “I help my clients say what they want to say to their audience. Effectively.”

Instead of telling people what you do, tell them how you help others. That makes it very clear to them how you could help them, too.

3) Speak Conversationally

Don’t use big words, or industry terms in your elevator pitch. Use words that you would naturally say so the delivery sounds more like you’re engaging in conversation versus recitation. If you don’t, you’ll sound like a robot. We’ve all heard those pitches, right? They sound stiff and scripted with no room for a conversation. Just relax. Have a chat.

As you learn more about yourself and your business, your elevator pitch should evolve as you do. To refine it, run it by a few friends and see what they think.

To sum up, your elevator pitch should be:

  1. Brief
  2. Powerful
  3. Benefits-focused
  4. Conversationally delivered

So, what’s your elevator pitch? Have you tried a few different ones? What have you noticed about the reception to each?

How to Find Your Ideal Clients

In my previous post, I gave you some tips about how to identify your ideal clients. That’s a very important part of any freelancer’s business strategy. The next step is being able to find them effectively.

Connecting with your Ideal Client

You know what kind of writing you want to do (after you’ve answered the 12 questions in my previous post mentioned above), and you know what industries and companies need that kind of writing. Here are some questions that will help you connect with them.

  1. What companies on your list, or in your chosen industry, are in your area?
  2. Who do you know that works at a company on your list or at a company in the same industry?
  3. If you don’t know an employee in a desired industry or company, whom do you know who does? Ask your friends and family!
  4. Who do you know who works in complementary industries to your ideal? Who do you know who knows someone in a complementary industry to your ideal? (That is, someone who would partner with your ideal client. Ex: advertising agencies with copywriters, tax attorneys with CPAs.)
  5. Are there any regularly scheduled conferences, networking events, or meet-ups that your ideal client might attend? What about complementary professionals? (Ex: Comic-Con if you want to work with comic book publishers or the kinds of people who attend Comic-Con.)
  6. Now that you have specific companies that you’d like to work with, is there a bar or coffee shop near their location? If so, become a regular and meet other regulars.
  7. Ask your family, friends, and business connections for referrals to your ideal client. Using LinkedIn, you can be introduced to ideal clients through a mutual connection. That would make it a warm referral (versus a cold one).
  8. Explore professional networking events in your area and meet new people. Networking in general is a great way to make connections with people who can help you make connections with other people. Here’s a little more info about networking.

A Real-Life Example

Here’s how I applied this method:

  1. I wanted to work with Nike Headquarters, located in Beaverton, OR.
  2. I didn’t know anyone who worked there.
  3. I didn’t know anyone who knew anyone who worked there. (At least no one I asked knew anyone who worked there.)
  4. Yes, I knew someone who worked in a complementary industry: my former college Track and Field coach is married to the Director of Communications for USA Track & Field (USATF). USATF works closely with Nike to sponsor track meets all over the country.
  5. Yes, USATF and Nike attend the USA Olympic Trials every four years, which was in Oregon in 2008.
  6. Less like a coffee shop and more like a national event. I attended the 2008 Olympic Trials as a freelance copywriter thanks to my connection at USATF. While there, I introduced myself to a Nike event management director.
  7. He referred me to the Writing Director at Nike Headquarters and the Writing Director has been referring me to Nike project managers since 2009.
  8. I attend networking events on a regular basis. Events and organizations I connected with include the Portland Business Alliance (PBA), Portland Area Business Association (PABA), American Marketing Association (AMA-PDX), the Schmooze, and events through the Freelancer’s Union to name a few.
  9. That’s how I came to work with Nike–one of my ideal clients.

    In addition to meeting your ideal clients through referrals, you can also go direct to the source by cold-calling or cold-connecting via LinkedIn. If you have an optimized website that draws customers to you, great! Go with that. As a supplement, however, organic, in-person connections are the best way to develop long-lasting, professional relationships. And a loyal referral network, too.

    Many roads can lead you to the same destination, and for better or worse, you get to decide which roads you will take. How have you found your ideal clients?